
Amazing China Colorful Jingchu:Li Fen: A Taste of the Real Hankou

极目新闻 2024-10-17 18:41:53 阅读量:

打卡老里份 一品老汉口风情

Li Fen: A Taste of the Real Hankou 

向祖国送上祝福  Best Wishes to Our Motherland

咸安坊里的哈利波特庆祝霍格沃茨展  Exhibition Harry Potter Celebrates the Hogwarts at Xian’anfang

游客们在巴公房子前打卡  Tourists visit the Panoff Mansion

楚天都市报极目新闻记者 王峻

摄影:楚天都市报极目新闻记者 邹斌

翻译:黄婷婷 陈琴 龚佳玉(湖北大学)


Reporter: Wang Jun

Photographer: Zou Bin

Translators: Huang Tingting, Chen Qin, Gong Jiayu (Hubei University)


During the National Day holiday, many netizens chose to spend their holiday exploring the historical neighborhoods of Wuhan, particularly the nostalgic Li Fen.

里份,是武汉独特的民居形式,承载着独有的城市记忆。近年来,在江岸区的汉口历史文化风貌区,同兴里、延庆里、咸安坊、保元里等老里份纷纷注入 “新鲜的血液”,它们低语着这座江城往昔与今朝,让人感受到岁月的流转与城市的生命力。

Li Fen, a trademark of Wuhan’s unique architectural style, is steeped in the city’s rich memories. In recent years, several historic Li Fen style areas—such as Tongxingli, Yanqingli, Xian’anfang, and Baoyuanli—located in the Hankou Historical and Cultural District of Jiang’an District, have undergone major renovations, breathing new life into the antique streets. These neighborhoods whisper the tales of both the past and present of this riverside city, offering visitors a glimpse into the passage of time and the vibrance of urban life.


During the recent National Day holiday, Li Fen emerged as a novel way for many to experience the real Wuhan. 


Tourists express their heartfelt and creative wishes for our motherland at Li Fen 


On the first day of the National Day holiday, the Hankou Historical and Cultural District was bustling with crowds.


The winding paths paved with bluestone, the softly-hued walls embellished with washed sand, the unevenly-arranged wooden doors and windows, and the long, arched main alley subtly evoke the charm reminiscent of a century past. Since its opening earlier this year, the 112-year-old Baoyuanli has swiftly ascended to prominence, becoming a trendy destination for many.


“Given the already fast-paced nature of our daily lives, we simply want to relax during the holidays. Popular tourist attractions tend to be overcrowded, so we chose to explore Li Fen in old Hankou instead. It feels quite fascinating.” said Sun Xiaobin, a resident of Guanggu, who visited Baoyuanli with his wife and children on the morning of the 1st, eager to immerse themselves in the rich historical and cultural heritage of the area.


He informed the reporter that he had begun crafting an itinerary well ahead of the holiday, discovering a wealth of historical sites and intriguing stories around Baoyuanli. Nearby, visitors can also explore the Wuhan Art Museum and Jiqing Folk Street. When fatigue sets in, they can indulge in local delicacies at esteemed traditional establishments like Laotongcheng, Sijimei, and Wang Yuxia, savoring dishes such as doupi, soup dumplings, and pastries—making it an exceptional destination for local tourism during the extended holiday.


The reporter learned that many residents, like Sun Xiaobin, chose to explore the historical sites of Li Fen during the National Day holiday. A significant number of locals carefully planned itineraries and ventured out in groups, further adding to the celebratory atmosphere.


As crowds of tourists stroll out of Baoyuanli, crossing Zhongshan Avenue and heading east along Huangshi Road, they are soon greeted by the century-old Xian’anfang.


The reporter noted that the inscription wall in front of the historic buildings was undoubtedly a crowd favorite. Visitors lingered in front of the wall as they inscribed their heartfelt blessings for our motherland. Some expressed their fervent hopes for the nation’s bright future with sentiments like, “May my homeland be forever prosperous,” while others succinctly declared, “I love you, China.” Encapsulated within each inscription is the profound affection and admiration for this beloved land.


Stepping into Xian’anfang, visitors were delighted to find that several classic scenes from the movies Harry Potter had been recreated and placed throughout this century-old neighborhood. The messenger owl Hedwig perched on a gable roof; the Sorting Hat suspended in the air; the Hogwarts Express parked in the square; and eight massive magic wands pointed towards the sky. These movie-like scenes instantly drew children and adults alike who posed for photos. One child, sat in front of a statue with both hands gripping a magical broomstick, had just had their photo taken when another eagerly squeezed in for their turn.


According to reporters, the century-old Xian’anfang went viral last year following the art exhibition Hello, Great Artist, and has since become a must-visit among the younger generations.


On the eve of the National Day, the Harry Potter Celebrates Hogwarts debuted, as if inviting people into the world of wizardry. 


Wuhan’s charm on full display 


Just across the street from Xian’anfang, Pinghefang was also bustling with tourists, who strolled through the 130-year-old Orthodox Church, the 109-year-old Luz Former Residence, and the 118-year-old Pinghe Packing Factory.


“Walking through these old buildings really feels like we’ve been teleported back a hundred years,” said a group of young tourists. Previously, their only introduction to Wuhan was through books and the internet. This firsthand and upclose experience had given them a whole new perspective of the city.


“The delicately stained glass windows, nostalgic spiral staircases, and mottled dark red floor tiles -- entering this building steeped in history feels like an instant time travel back a century,” remarked an impressed an out-of-town visitor, Zhou Yi.


Coincidently, the 2024 Golden Shore Reading Carnival was also being held, and the souvenirs and books on display drew visitors of all ages.


The brick-red Panoff Mansion, located at the intersection of Poyang Street, Tungting Lake Street and Lanling Road, particularly piqued the interest of many. Planted majestically in the center of the road, the Mansion resembles a ship ready to set sail.


“It looks great here, let’s take a photo!” Undeterred by the crowds, Mrs. Cheng found an angle in front of the Panoff Mansion and asked her partner to take a photo of her. She then specifically requested that the national flag be included in the frame.


As the crowds “squeezed” into the Li Yuanhong Blvd Walking Street,the hustle and bustle of the town life became apparent. The crowds naturally slowed their pace to take it all in.


Hippie cafés, galleries, jewelry stores, private kitchens, to name a few, create a shopping haven for younger generations.


Sitting at a street-side café, petting cats, sipping coffee, and enjoying desserts, Ms. Chen, who travelled from Tianjin with her friend, told reporters that she loves the historical legacy and lively atmosphere here. “It is really festive, and I quite like the bustle.” Ms. Chen said that she and her friend have been strolling around since 10 a.m., afraid they would miss famous scenic spots. The duo enjoyed their walk taking pictures along the way. They spent over three hours exploring the merely 604 meter long Li Yuanhong Blvd Museum and nearby streets and alleys. “The views along the street and Li Fen are gorgeous, and also hold historical and cultural significance. You really can’t take a bad picture here,” Ms. Chen said.


Tongxingli is comprised of half residential and half commercial buildings, with most buildings carrying stores on the ground floor and antique houses right above. A mere road away from the Li Yuanhong Blvd, the ancient Tongxingli street, has an urban feel. From rummaging through antique stores to relaxing in coffee shops, the 230-meter-long street has over 40 shops offering a range of services.


One tourist, Ms. Zhu brought her parents and children along on a road trip to Wuhan from the neighboring Henan province. A few months ago, she read an article online introducing Li Fen. She was intrigued and decided to utilize the National Day holiday to take the drive down to enjoy Wuhan’s antique side. “This place not only preserves ancient houses, but also carries unique shops. It is the perfect fusion of traditional and modern. It is definitely worth visiting.”

责任编辑:叶晓英 值班主任:张欣