
Amazing China Colorful Jingchu:1200-Meter-Long Feast: Dine Your Way Through Xiangyang

极目新闻 2024-09-11 18:43:42 阅读量:

长达1200米 一路吃遍襄阳城

1200-Meter-Long Feast: Dine Your Way Through Xiangyang

楚天都市报极目新闻讯(见习记者杨琛源 通讯员王泓力)

Jimu News (Trainee Reporter Yang Chenyuan Correspondent Wang Hongli)

翻译 雷梓欣 党馨怡 谢雅和 (湖北大学)

Translator Lei Zixin, Dang Xinyi, Xie Yahe (Hubei University)


Since its establishment in the 1970s, the Fenghua Road Night Market has stood the test of time in Xiangyang, embodying the memories of generations, and becoming a symbol of the city’s vibrant and bustling street life. The new and improved Fenghua Road Night Market was officially reopened on August 1st. Originally spanning over 600 meters, this ancient night market underwent a total makeover that extended it to a whooping 1200 meters, by incorporating the Jinsui Alley and Gushan Road.

提档升级后的风华路夜市开街(襄阳融媒体中心供图)  The newly renovated Fenghua Road Night Market is reopened (Courtesy of Xiangyang Convergence Media Center)


On the evening of August 16th, a Jimu News reporter visited the Fenghua Road Night Market where the brightly lit streets were teeming with night goers. Visitors can enjoy a fun night out starting at 6 p.m., when the market comes alive. The newly added container street on Gushan Road has become a go-to for many. Complete with dazzling lights, stylish decor, and an array of delicacies, the street has become a haven for young people in search of the cool new hangouts in town. According to Wang Hongli, the investment director of Xiangyang Guangsheng and Commercial Management Co., Ltd., the container street has 56 establishments, with the largest container covering an area of 27 square meters, enough to accommodate 3-4 tables of indoor diners.


With the growing popularity of night markets, businesses have seized the opportunity by launching products and services that not only feature themes reminiscent of typical night markets, but also unique to Xiangyang. Li Zhuan steamed stuffed buns, hailed one of the “Best Featured Stores” at Fenghua Road Night Market, is one of such establishments. Li Zhuan steamed stuffed buns is a Xiangyang-based brand. Customers can choose between spicy and non-spicy buns. The spicy crayfish and mushroom meat sauce fillings are the bestselling menu items. When the reporter approached the store’s window, the employee was skillfully “folding” the steamed bun, and within a few seconds, a small yet beautifully crafted Xiaolongbao was wrapped. “During peak hours, we can sell forty to fifty baskets in one night,” the staff introduced to reporters.


Following the face-lift, Fenghua Road Night Market has taken on a whole new role. Its lively and innovative ambience has made it a benchmark for nightlife in Fancheng. For young people, the night market will offer the best of both worlds, showcasing both the trendy and nostalgic parts of the city. Being a multifunctional commercial area, it offers fine dining, shopping, entertainment and cultural experiences. Visitors are not only enveloped by the abundant selection of mouthwatering feasts, the city’s local charm and profound heritage are also full on display.


Wang Hongli told reporters that the Fenghua Road Night Market can now realize its goal of “Feast your way through Xiangyang; taste the world in one city”. Diners have an endless selection of foods, from sampling Laotian drinks to feasting on Thai style Fried Rice. With much enthusiasm, the nearly 300 vendors welcomed visitors from all corners, ensuring each of their customers left with a smile.


Since 2021, the night market economy has been gradually recovering, and it this growth that is now empowering the locals’ livelihoods and integrating recent trends in commercial consumption. According to Shao Chenchen, director of Migong Street Office in Fancheng District, the comprehensive upgrade of Fenghua Road Night Market will significantly boost consumption during summer evenings, benefiting both the night economy as well as overall consumption in the city. By transforming Fenghua Road Night Market into a hip one-stop spot for all things night markets, Fancheng City continues to garner accolades for its night economy.

责任编辑:陈嫣然 值班主任:魏曦