
Heroes come from the people:A UniversityStudent in Wuhan Cycles 1625 Kilometers Home

极目新闻 2024-07-26 22:08:28 阅读量:


A UniversityStudent in Wuhan Cycles 1625 Kilometers Home

极目新闻记者 向一帆

通讯员 张心怡 郑婷

实习生 吴蔚 杨静文 范海燕

翻译 吕瑞霖 罗金 卫拉(湖北大学)

JIMU News Journalist: Xiang Yifan

Correspondents:Zhang Xinyi, Zheng Ting

Interns:Wu Wei, Yang Jingwen, Fan Haiyan

Translators: Lv Ruilin, Luo Jin, Lisa M.K (Hubei University)


Over the course of 17 days, cycling a total of 1625 kilometers through 11 cities, Miao Kun, a junior majoring in Visual Communication at the Birmingham Institute of Fashion and Creative Art of Wuhan Textile University, recently achieved a long-awaited dream of his - cycling back to Lanzhou for the summer vacation.


To commemorate his last summer vacation as a student, Miao Kun began preparing for this cycling trip a year ago. From departure to arrival, he cycled a total of 17 days. He said, “When I cycled out from the Qinling Mountains, I thought about how tiny I was amidst the giant mountains, and could instantly resonate with Li Bai’s sentiment ‘My skiff has left ten thousand mountains far away'.”

苗坤在骑行途中(Miao Kun during his cycling trip)


Covering 3 Provinces and 11 Cities in 17 Days


Miao Kun, a 21 year old from Lanzhou, GansuProvince, is a sports enthusiast. In his sophomore year, he conceived the idea of cycling back to Lanzhou from Wuhan during the summer vacation.


“I have always enjoyed cycling since I was very young, and long-distance cycling has been on my bucket list,” Miao Kun said. With his senior year approaching next semester, this summer would likely be his final vacation as a student, so he decided to cycle home for the summer vacation.


Prior to embarking on a long-distance ride, it is crucial to make adequate preparations. Apart from purchasing the necessary equipment such as a bicycle, goggles, gloves, e.t.c., Miao Kun also bought travel bags and camping gear online. He learned basic bike repair skills such as changing a tire fromother students in his school's cycling club.


Long-distance cycling demands high levels of physical fitness. Thus, throughout his junior year, Miao Kun would frequent the gym whenever he had no classes in the morning. Besides preparing physically and acquiring the necessary gear, he also took up part-time jobs during his spare time, saving over 2000 yuan for this trip. “Actually, the pocket money my parents give me is more than enough, but this has been a long-held dream of mine, so I wanted to finance it with money I earned myself,” Miao Kun explained. Additionally, he researched extensively online and planned his route based on the experiences of seasoned cyclists.


On June 14th at 6 a.m., Miao Kun officially began his journey back home.


Starting from Wuhan, he traveled through Xiaogan, Suizhou, Xiangyang, Shiyan, Shangluo, Xi'an, Baoji, Tianshui, Dingxi, all the way to Lanzhou, cycling through Hubei, Shaanxi, and Gansu provinces. After 17 days, he finally returned home in Lanzhou.

苗坤在山区骑行途中(Miao Kun cycling through amountainous area)


Cycling With His Head Down When Exhausted


Miao Kun mentioned that before this, his longest bike ride with his classmates was from Wuhan to Jingzhou. Initially, he expected the journey home to take 21 days, but after setting off, he discovered that the route was not as difficult as he had imagined.


On the first day of his journey, he reached Xiaogan. According to his plan, he would cycle during the day and camp by the roadside at night. “I specifically bought a tent before departing, but I soon abandoned that plan on the first night,” Miao Kun said. Due to the high temperatures and numerous insects and mosquitoes outdoors during summer, he hardly slept that night. Considering his energy levels and budget, he spent the remaining nights of his journey in guesthouses or hostels.


Each morning, he would wake up and hit the road by 6 a.m., then cycle until 6 p.m. before renting a place for the night. He even spent a few days simply touring Xiangyang and Xi’an. Miao Kun told the journalist from Jimu news that it was relatively easy riding on most roads in Hubei province, but it was not until he entered the mountainous area of Shiyan that he truly experienced the challenges of cycling.


Cycling through the Qinling Mountains, the seemingly endless winding mountain roads brought Miao Kun a sense of despair. To offset this, he purposely stopped looking at the road ahead, keeping his head down as he pedaled. “This way, whenever I felt exhausted, I would lift my head to see the winding mountain road coming to an end, and would instantly feel energized,” he said. “In the future, thinking back to this experience will hopefully give me a lot more courage to overcome challenges.”


Help from strangers moves him


During the 17-day journey, Miao Kun's clothing were hardly ever dry, often stained with sweat. Though the journey was arduous, he was moved by the warmth extended by strangers along the way.


Miao Kun recalled that one day while cycling, he was caught in a sudden and heavy downpour and had to seek shelter at a nearby farmhouse where the host warmly invited him to rest on a chair. Another time while he was cycling in a mountainous area, a roadman drove alongside him, worried that he might get lost alone in the mountains.


Although it was a relatively smooth journey, Miao Kun also encountered a few emergencies. “While trying to take a shortcut on the way, I chose a bypath recommended bythe navigation. However, I didn’t know the bypath was under construction with water and gravel mixed on it until I reachedthere. You could even see the traces of falling rocks from the mountain. So I had to push my bike throughout.” Miao Kun recalled.


Traversing the Qinling Mountains, then cycling west along the Yellow River, and finally reaching Lanzhou, Miao Kun covered a total distance of 1625 kilometers. “It’s like a dream. Even after arriving home, I feel like I am still on the road, updating my family every day.” Miao Kun noted, recalling his 17-daycycling.


When Miao Kun returned home, seeing his tannedlegs was bittersweet for his mother. Miao Kun explained that when he initially decided to cycle back home, his parents were dumbfounded. However, after seeing his determination in realizing his dream, they were filled with pride.


Miao Kun believes this cycling trip was worthwhile. He added, in the future, he would like to try out other cycling routes.


Miao Kun, who will enter his final year in university after the summer vacation, had some thoughts about his future. He plans to sign up for China's Far West Programtovolunteerin grass-root unitsand experience a different way of life.

苗坤骑行经过潜江(Miao Kun cycled through Qianjiang)


“Hearing that he has cycled over a thousand kilometers, his classmates and I all think he is truly incredible!”Miao Kun's counselor, Zhang Xinyi said. According to Zhang, Miao Kun is a very positive and confident student who also actively participates in volunteer activities. Among his classmates, he is well-liked for being a responsible and upstanding student.

【受访者供图(photo provided by the interviewee)】

责任编辑:简俊晖 值班主任:谢礼逵