
Amazing China Colorful Jingchu:Come into Luoxing Village, Yuan'an County, Find out Ancient Clusters of Marine Reptile Fossils

极目新闻 2022-03-13 14:51:33 阅读量:


Come into Luoxing Village, Yuan'an County, Find out Ancient Clusters of Marine Reptile Fossils

观千岩竞秀 品沧海桑田

Fossils Tell Tales

湖北鳄和扇桨龙的化石Fossils of Hupehsuchus and Eretmorhipis

远安落星村古朴美丽Simple Beauty of Luoxing Village, Yuan'an County

极目新闻记者 刘俊华

通讯员 朱丽君 王磊 张海军

摄影记者 谢阳  

翻译 崔羽丰 李怡 单文波


Reporter: Liu Junhua

Correspondent: Zhu Lijun, Wang Lei, Zhang Haijun

Photographer: Xie Yang

Translators: Cui Yufeng, Li Yi, Shan Wenbo


Located in Hekou Town, Yuan'an County, Hubei Province is Luoxing Village. “Luoxing”, which means “fallen star” in Chinese, always evokes pleasant associations when people first hear about the name. Virtually, A Legend has been passed on since ancient times that stars once fell from the sky in the village.


However, recent geological research findings have dismissed the folklore as untrue. In fact, this area, once a blue ocean, historically suffered from several disasters about 247 million years ago. To this day, the marks left behind by those great changes are still clearly visible to the naked eye.


Chief Excavator Locates Fossils with Patterns


The 56-year-old Zhang Jiamu was born into a family whose ancestors were all in Luoxing Village.


For as long as he can remember, gray stones could be found all over the hill, out of which the villagers would build their houses, with wood as the pillars. Actually, the stones are all too common to the local people, who may occasionally find beautiful designs on the slates when broken open, like those of dragon and phoenix engraved on a stone. Such slates are collected and prominently placed as a decoration at the homes of some villagers who have a taste for art.  


In 1981, a technician from the County's seed bank visited the village and after inquiring about the patterned slates from Zhang Jiamu, he settled on some intact ones for purchase. Zhang Jiamu was so impressed and it was at that moment that he came to know of the value of those slates.


In 1985, Zhang Jiamu brought back a lot of stones from the hill for the construction of his new house. When he was chiseling them, Zhang Jiamu realized that the layered stones, especially those with black lines in the middle, would probably bear attractive patterns if cut open. That year, Zhang Jiamu managed to find several intact slates with patterns, which he later sold for 100 to 200 yuan each to occasional buyers. With more villagers' knowledge of the value of such stones, it became impossible to find such patterned stones by the roadside as easy as before.


In 2005 Wuhan Survey Center of CGS (China Geological Survey) (originally known as Yichang Research Institute of Geological and Mineral Resources) first invited Zhang Jiamu and other villagers to dig for stones with patterns. After 2012, Hubei Geological Bureau and Wuhan Survey Center of CGS started to embark on repeated excavations at Luoxing Village. Dozens of such stones, which are said by experts to be fossilized from marine reptiles dating back to 247 million years ago, were unearthed through the joint work of scientific research personnel and local villagers. With his involvement in the mission, Zhang Jiamu gained a lot of experience in fossil excavation as he was guided by scientific research personnel, earning himself the title of “Chief Excavator”.  



Senior Scientist Deduces Prehistoric Disasters



In Luoxing Village, there is a house that has been built at the exact excavation site in order to maintain the fossils intact.


On March 8th, a reporter from JIMU News found that the patterns of the fossils were clearly visible on the slates displayed in the house. These patterns looked exactly like real animal skeletons. From the popular science pictures found inside, it can be known that the fossils of Hupehsuchus, Eretmorhipis and other ancient marine reptiles are all prehistoric life highly respected in the international scientific community.


Cheng Long, a senior engineer and deputy director of the paleontology research office of Wuhan Survey Center of CGS and Hubei Key Laboratory of Paleontology and Geological Environment Evolution, has devoted himself to the research of the fossils of marine reptiles for many years. He explained to the reporter that general creatures naturally decompose after death. However, to keep whole fossils, it is basically required that the creatures should be buried immediately after their death in order to seal off oxygen.


Cheng said the fossils of these marine reptiles can be found within nearly 100 kilometers from the border between Nanzhang County and Yuan'an County of Hubei Province. These fossils witnessed an ancient marine reptile community, which scientists named “Nanzhang-Yuan'an Fauna”.Today this fauna, with Luoxing Village as the center, is well known in the domestic and international paleontological community. But why so many fossils here? Cheng's analysis reveals that about 247 million years ago, the area may have been destroyed by such natural disasters as massive volcanic eruptions whose ash, blotting out the sun, caused widespread die-offs. The dead creatures, quickly sinking to the bottom of the ocean, were buried. Everything stopped abruptly. After a long period of petrification, those dead creatures slowly became fossils.


Due to the following evolution of the earth's crust, the ocean developed into mountains, bringing these fossils to light. 


Cheng said, judging from the distribution of the fossils at different rock layers, not all paleontological fossils were formed in the same era. That's to say, the creatures of this ocean must have experienced more than one extinction event. The discovery of this fauna is of great scientific value in the study of reptile evolution and modern marine ecosystems.



Geological Culture Boosts Revitalization of Luoxing



What Zhang Jiamu is proud of is his assistance in the excavation of hundreds of fossils for the geological research personnel. A 1.97-meter-long Hupehsuchus fossil he dug up in 2017, almost setting a new record for similar previous fossils, has provided the most specific support for researchers to restore this species. However, he thinks that heartfelt thanks should go to the researchers for their work here which has brought welcomed changes to the village.


Zhang Haijun, vice director of Testing Laboratory of Wuhan Survey Center of CGS, general secretary of the Village, said that Luoxing Village was inscribed on the list of the first three-star geological culture villages in China last July. It is because of this cultural background and their profession that the investigation center offered to give the village targeted assistance.


Zhang believes that so far, the legend of fallen stars about this village has never been proved by any geological evidence. However, the prehistoric karst landscapes and impressive fossils here make for cultural tourism with their great popular science value. At present, the village is leading its people along a new path for rural revitalization with the development of projects like popular science, homestay, agritainment based on its unique resources.


Jiang Jifu, director of discipline inspection of the village, said that the research of fossils, coupled with five farm tourism projects, provides villagers with many employment opportunities. With the in-depth scientific research, Luoxing Village has become well known in the field of international paleontological and geological research. More and more tourists come here to visit the biological wonders dating back to 247 million years ago and feel the magic of natural changes.


Nowadays, when you walk in on a sunny spring day, the tree-shaded village with the primitive, aged stone houses and hills around constitute a paradise in a prosperous era! Who would have thought that when opening the “book” of fossils, one would be stricken by the huge changes that have taken place over time?
