
Amazing China Colorful Jingchu:A Visit to the Ancient Tomb of the Tujia Ethnic Group in the Deep Mountains

极目新闻 2022-01-28 17:14:46 阅读量:


A Visit to the Ancient Tomb of the Tujia Ethnic Group in the Deep Mountains


January 17,2022

清代古墓.jpg清代古墓 The ancient tomb of the Qing Dynasty

陵墓石刻.jpg陵墓石刻 Stone carvings in the mausoleum

极目新闻记者 刘俊华

通讯员 黄善君

翻译 吴友珊 叶露棋 龚佳玉


Reporter: Liu Junhua

Correspondent: Huang Shanjun

Translators: Wu Youshan, Ye Luqi, Gong Jiayu


This ancient Tujia tomb hidden in the deep mountains is said to have been built in the early Qing Dynasty (1636-1912). It is so big that it offended the then imperial power, nearly bringing fatal disaster to the owner when after its completion someone secretly disclosed its size.


Located in Group II, Yangjiaqiao Village, Ziqiu Town, Tujia Autonomous County of Changyang in Hubei, the “Zizai Palace”, literally meaning a place of ease, has become a place that holds collections of Tujia stone carvings today.


Localtycoons in the village spent ten years building their own tombs


The “Zizai Palace” is considered remote even today. After crossing the Qingjiang River by ferry from Ziqiu Town, we firstly went up the winding mountain road and then later following a meandering path we then went down the steep mountain to reach Zhao Baiyangs house in Group II, Yangjiaqiao Village.

“自在宫”就在他的房屋旁边约10米的地方。 建筑高约10米、宽约12米,院墙及房屋由青砖加白灰浆砌成斗墙、黑瓦盖顶。碑文显示是一座夫妻墓,墓主人名为向庭植,整个墓全部用条石砌成,每块条石都是雕刻精细的石刻作品,且都单独成篇,貔貅、麒麟、盘龙、如意,还有若干壁画。

The “Zizai Palace” lies about 10 meters from his house. Constructed with gray bricks and white mortar and roofed with black tiles, the building is about 10 meters high and 12 meters wide. The inscriptions reveal that it was a tomb for a couple whose owner was named Xiang Tingzhi. The entire tomb is made of dressed stones, each of which is a piece of finely carved stone art and a separate side decorated with murals and propitious elements found in traditional Chinese culture such as Pixiu, Kylin, encircling dragon and Ruyi.


Zhao Baiyang claims to be a descendant of the tomb owner. This is because the original Zhaos married into the Xiangs, so the offspring of the Zhaos are considered to still belong to the Xiang family.


According to Zhao Baiyang, this is referred to as a tomb for the living, that is, it is a permanent and final home that is built by people while they are still alive. It is built according to ones own preferences and ideas.


The inscriptions in the “Zizai Palace” show that the tomb owner Xiang Tingzhi lived in the early Qing Dynasty. The mausoleum had been built for more than 10 years, and nearly a thousand stone and seal carving works were assembled after completion. In order to prevent erosion of wind and rain, a house larger than the mausoleum was built right on the area of the mausoleum, with a hall in front of the tomb and a locked door to protect it.


The “Zizai Palace” is surrounded by a wall slightly taller than a man and it encloses the whole tomb thus forming a courtyard. On the right side of the tomb lies a tunnel that is 3 meters in width and 4 meters in height. Zhao Baiyang tells reporters that this passage is used for the transportation of the coffin into the tomb. When the tomb owner passed away and was laid to rest in the tomb, the passage would be permanently sealed. As one gazes from the outside of Zhao Baiyangs rice farmland, the “Zizai Palace” looks more like a house rather than a tomb.


The Tujia mausoleum was accused of offending the imperial power


According to inscriptions, Xiang Tingzhi was a rich local man. His adopted son was a sixth-rank official in the imperial court. With such wealth and power, its no surprise that such a lavish mausoleum was built.


The stone carvings in the “Zizai Palace” are all elaborate works from stonemasons. Journalists found in the stone carvings on the gate poles inscriptions of Changyang Nanqu Operawith three-string accompaniment, Tujia drum-beating funeral, and many other inscriptions. Various cultures can be seen displayed here, be it Tujia culture or imperial court culture.


In addition to the fact that the tomb itself is a combination of multiple stone carvings, stone balustrades can be seen on both sides as well as in front of the tomb, all of which are covered with painted screens made of stone carvings. Various stone carving techniques such as carving, hollowing and three-dimension and many others are finely displayed among the dozens of workpieces.


Zhao Baiyang said that 20 years ago, several scholars from Wuhan visited the tomb for six days. After painting, measuring, photographing, stone rubbing and researching in the “Zizai Palace”, by the end they spoke highly of its cultural value.


Earlier, there was said to be a stone carving called “double dragons play with a bead” on the gate pole in the “Zizai Palace” which was rubbed off. A pair of vigorous stone lions and nine-step stairs were also smashed and destroyed. It turns out that a secret informant went to the imperial court, and reported that Xiang Tingzhi had built a tomb that offended the imperial power. Before the imperial court could send people to investigate, the Xiang family got the news and destroyed all traces of the questionable features overnight and hence dodged the bullet.


The “Zizai Palace”is now listed as a key cultural relic and protected site by Yichang City, providing valuable historical data for the study of Tujia funeral customs in the Qingjiang River territory.
