
Heroes come from the people| Volunteer Starts Community Canteens for the Elderly

极目新闻 2024-09-26 19:27:04 阅读量:



 Volunteer Starts Community Canteens for the Elderly

楚天都市报极目新闻记者 王佳文 通讯员 詹鸥 戴诗蒙 实习生 邬阳暄

翻译:孙静怡 严佳薇 Lisa M.K(湖北大学)

JIMU News Reporter: Wang Jiawen Correspondents: Zhan Ou, Dai Shimeng

Intern: Wu Yangxuan

Translators: Sun Jingyi, Yan Jiawei, Lisa M.K (Hubei University)


Located in Wuhan’s  Qiaokou District, the Rongdong Community has over 70% of its residents comprising of senior citizens. A few years ago, the community underwent a major facelift which saw the construction of a new canteen built specifically for the elderly. The courteous service, delectable meals, coupled with the close-knit community inspired the cafeteria’s nickname: “The Happy Canteen.”

何凡(左)在采购食材回来的路上向居民问好( 通讯员供图)  He Fan (left) greets residents on the way back from purchasing ingredients


He Fan manages this canteen. Since 2020, He has been working as a social worker in Liujiaoting Street, providing care services to seniors. In hopes of further serving the elderly in the community, he began managing the Happy Canteens in both Rongdong and Youyi communities. As the head of these two community canteens, he has to purchase the produce, prepare the dishes and serve too. He Fan insists on charging only “7 yuan for 3 dishes” with unlimited rice, and even delivers free meals to disadvantaged groups. Unfazed by the financial losses, He’s wish is to ensure more seniors have access to safe and reliable meals. Day after day, He Fan remains undeterred in his tireless efforts to serve the community out of a selfless heart. Many of the elderly have commented on him, saying: “He’s such a sweet fella.”


Reverence for the Elderly Inspired Happy Canteen  


On the noon of August 31, at the Happy Canteen in Yingdong Community, He Fan, who had been busy in the kitchen all morning, stood at the counter with a beaming smile. As he dished out the food, he greeted the elderly diners, who responded with smiles and struck up casual conversations. An air of joy filled the small canteen.

何凡在窗口打饭  He Fan serving food at the counter


He Fan, originally from the eastern coastal province Zhejiang, speaks with a slight accent, despite spending the last 20 plus years in Wuhan after he left the tech world. In recent years, after analyzing overall societal trends,” he observed many communities faced challenges in caring for the elderly. Driven by a desire to help more elderly people enjoy their later years, he transitioned into the senior care industry. In 2020, He Fan, along with several business partners hit the ground running, taking over the first Happy Canteen, located in the Youyi Community of Liujiaoting Street, on September 1.


“I enjoy interacting with the elderly; most of them are kind and lovely, and I find being around them very comforting,” said He Fan. “The market for elderly care services is expanding, and one of the most urgent needs within the industry is accessible and reliable meals. Community canteens are a good start.”


At the inception of the Youyi Community Canteen, He Fan’s team was short staffed. Besides a chef responsible for preparing the dishes, He Fan and a few of his partners had to take on kitchen duties themselves. To prepare a hundred box meals before 11 a.m., each person had to wash and chop over 15 kilos of vegetables, clean dishes, and handle sanitation. He explained that while the workload was not excessive, for people who rarely cooked, it took them three to four hours to get a decent chunk of the tasks done, leaving them with sore backs and aching muscles daily.


The team’s earlier efforts paid off. He Fan’s commitment to providing the community’s seniors with a meal service—three dishes, including two meat dishes and one vegetable, for just seven yuan—was well-received. Each meal was high-quality, affordable, and generously portioned. Except for the Spring Festival, the meal service was available year-round, quickly earning the community’s approval and boosting the reputation of Youyi Community’s Happy Canteen.


Around the Lantern Festival in 2022, the community canteen in Rongdong Community, Liujiaoting Street, completed its renovation and was set for operations. With strong support from Liujiaoting Street and the Qiaokou District Civil Affairs Bureau, the venue and facilities were provided free of charge to He Fan for the establishment of a new Happy Canteen. Despite the growing size of the team, He Fan remained dedicated to his original mission, continuing to offer meals at seven yuan for three dishes. The team ensured there was a daily variety of six different dishes with no repetition within three days, which meant more seniors could enjoy affordable and safe meals. Currently, He Fan manages five Happy Canteens and six community senior service centers across Liujiaoting, Gutian, Ronghua, and Changfeng streets, and has maintained consistent prices and quality across all locations.


Renowned for his charitable spirit


“Every year during the Chongyang Festival, the two Happy Canteens in Liujiaoting Street provide special meals for the elderly, including empty nesters, the disabled, or those over 80 years old.” He Fan continued, “These meals are distributed in phases by community workers, dining hall staff, dedicated eldercare teams, and volunteers.”

何凡在食堂后厨切菜  He Fan chopping vegetables in the kitchen


Additionally, on the 6th of each month, Liujiaoting Street observes Senior Day. On this day, He Fan and the Happy Canteen team actively reach out and assess the living conditions of elderly individuals facing particular hardships, providing them with daily household services and distributing dining vouchers for the Happy Canteen. They also coordinate with volunteers to offer services such as haircuts, foot baths, and knife sharpening, further facilitating the daily lives of seniors.


The community senior service centers managed by He Fan run hand in hand with the Happy Canteen, offering a range of services including assistance with mobility, cleaning, meals, and medical care, tailored to various needs. The senior service centers have also established partnerships with medical institutions and hold a combined medical and eldercare operation license. This allows them to provide routine medical services to local seniors and implement a comprehensive emergency medical delivery protocol to address unforeseen incidents in the community.


“It’s safe to say that the public welfare services provided by He Fan cover all ‘medical, food, housing and transportation’ needs for the elderly in the community.” Pan Lijuan, secretary of Rongdong Community, said, “He Fan provides excellent services and is also kind to the elderly. When he walks through the community, to the seniors, they see him as their beloved ‘kiddo’.


In Rongdong Community, Grandpa Tao often eats at the Happy Canteen at a low price. Feeling that he has nothing to repay, he shared his plans to donate all the books he has collected over the course of his life to the Happy Canteen to build a reading corner in the community canteen. Grandma Zhou in her 80s moved out of Youyi Community after her husband passed away. For her the Happy Canteen still holds a dear place in her heart, which is why she contacts He Fan from time to time.


“The elderly always buy watermelons for our team. In fact, the elderly can sense the genuine kindness we show them. Such heartwarming feedback from the elderly also gives our team the determination to continue this good cause.” He Fan said, “Some people say that what I do is very ‘silly’, but I think there is still so much more I can do.”


Affordable prices attract young people


The director of Liujiaoting Sub-district told Jimu News that He Fan has implemented a uniform model throughout the Happy Canteens: six kinds of dishes available every day, with the same kind of dishes priced uniformly. A box meal of two meat dishes and one vegetable dish goes for 7 yuan, the cost of ingredients alone is 4 to 4.5 yuan, while the labor is a separate cost. “If one box meal doesn’t sell at a loss, that’s already a win.”

这样物美价廉的幸福食堂吸引了很多在荣东社区周边写字楼和商圈上班的年轻人的注意,每天午餐来用餐的年轻人占到了 30%。根据这一情况,何凡开始灵活经营。除了保持7元3个菜的服务不变外,还拓展了小碗菜、送餐、订餐等服务。小碗菜每天不重样,有香辣基围虾、粉蒸肉、黄焖圆子、糖醋排骨、辣子鸡丁等,价格最低的25元,最高的45元,主要吸引对菜品口味有要求的年轻人消费。“我们的小碗菜分量很足,比如一碗粉蒸肉至少够吃两顿。”何凡说。

Drawn by its affordability, Happy Canteen has also caught the attention of many young people working in nearby office buildings and business districts within Rongdong Community. Young workers who have lunch there every day account for 30%. Faced with the influx, He Fan began adapting his business model. In addition to providing three dishes for 7 yuan, he launched individually portioned dishes, expanded to include services such as food delivery, and took on large orders. The single menu items, which vary every day, include spicy prawns, steamed pork with rice flour, braised meatballs, sweet and sour pork ribs, spicy diced chicken, and many more. The price ranges from 25 to 45 yuan, with the target audience being young people with specific flavor preferences. “Our single menu items are very generous in portion. For example, a bowl of steamed pork with rice flour is enough for at least two meals.” He Fan said.


By diversifying their business, not only are diners offered more choices, but the extra profit can also offset the expense of the 7 yuan box meal for the elderly. This virtuous cycle and ultimately balanced cashflow will be an additional guarantee for the continuous operation of the Happy Canteen.


He Fan stated, “The Happy Canteen is currently still in inseparable from the subsidy of Qiaokou District Civil Affairs Bureau and the assistance of Liujiaoting Sub-district. In the future, we will continue to embrace innovative business models, open up the ‘white-collar market’ in nearby office areas, and develop dietary services that incorporate traditional Chinese medicine. Drawing inspiration from the management model of smart canteens in Jiangsu and Zhejiang regions, we hope to provide better catering services for the elderly.”

责任编辑:胡秀文 值班主任:谢礼逵